Thursday, November 17, 2016

Unintelligent Darwinism

First of all I am in complete agreement with Darwin's theory of evolution. We even now know how it works thanks to understanding the DNA molecule. Getting that out of the way I can now talk about intelligent design.  Bunk.  Complete bunk but as for unintelligent Darwinism  I can tell you that the theory of evolution does not sufficiently explain questions of why.  I know science is fine and well dealing with how things work and that the why question really might not mater most of the time.  Why thing work the way they do implies that there is underlining intelligence making things happen.  To ask why something happens or works in nature the way it does assumes some underlining intelligence or even a creator.  We as criminals why they committed a crime.  That does not mean we have to accept their explanations.  Most criminals just enjoyed committing crimes and know that admitting that is not in their best interest when the legal system is inquiring.   "The murder was fun I enjoyed it." is what most of them would save if they felt being honest was something criminals do.  In ancient Rome Emperors were ever so happy to admit that they enjoyed committing their crimes in public. No tribunal was going to judge a living god.   The process of evolution obviously leads to more adept species more able to survive in nature than their forbearers.  The process of evolution does indeed lead to more adept survival skills and overall survival of species.  Evolution actually does improve physiology and even mental capacity of species for survival.  Evolution works because species seem to want to survive and reproduce and that reproduction furthers the benefits of evolution.  That's HOW but not WHY! 

If we ask any species why it wants to survive and reproduce or survive to reproduce the best answers would seem to come from humans of course .  Why?   Lots of rationalizations and like the criminal murderer humans best answer is "I want to survive and reproduce prolifically because it is fun." Difficulty surviving like suffering from starvation or disease is not fun.   Unfortunately those of us who are convinced that nature is completely indifferent about what happens in nature including with us humans then have to wonder why should the benefits of evolution even mater?  why does survival of species and /or successful prolific reproduction even mater ?  I suppose it might be all about God being pure probability.  "Anything is possible with God."  Betterment of species though successful reproduction, successful survival and evolution over time is not just some random probability it almost seems as if it should be a conscious process even for single cell micro organisms including plants.  So life is a complex chemicals reaction that once started wants to evolve to be a more complex set of chemical reactions that aims for better survival and more prolific reproduction making super species with super physiology to thrive in the real existing environment and even sometimes to alter the environment for their own benefit via evolutionary process. Well that sounds way too intelligent to be just something that happens with a spark of lightening or static electricity to be unintended , undesired and the product of an uncaring universe?

Am I finding God in the details?  No.  Though I now believe if there is a God he has to be pure probability which is what this chain of articles is all about in this blog.   Research I am doing in the nature of photons and electro magnetic disturbances from which they come from in mater has led me to understand that the universe does have more intelligence than we give it credit for.  We can see that the way crystals grow.  In real natural Chrystal growth more than one kind of crystal can grow in the same place . We find inclusions of one crystal that grew simultaneously in another.  Some how or other with valences of atoms those atoms were able to communicate to other atoms how to fall into place and find lower energy levels with higher energy bonds to keep them together.  If you look at a piece of granite the three major constituent minerals that are crystalized in it know how to separate and from their own interlocking structures in the whole rock mass.  That's because photons don't carry energy but transmit code and the same is true of electromagnetic disturbances from which the photons are derived. There is semantics and communications going on.  We know of dna cell receptors and they also communicate with atoms and molecules around them. Cells organize all sorts of molecules  in just the right ways to further their interests of survival and of reproduction for survival.   The dna itself is a communications device . Just one at a higher level than the subatomic semantics code of photons and electro magnetism of sub atomic particles.   With all thing being guided by probability  some form of basic intelligence via communications of photons and electro magnetism is part of that probability.

In animal species going back to Darwin's discoveries we find that one species can fill in for anther species with the purpose of being a certain kind of predator in the food chain. Where say cat species are lacking some rodent can evolve into a predator that is acts the same way consuming the same diets as cats .  Owls are predatory birds that may have evolved from non predatory plant eating birds over millions of years? Just because their food might over populate without predators around  is not unintelligent.  First there is a food source that is untapped to begin with and then the evolutionary development happens over time  because of species resourcefulness.  Too intelligent for being completely random ?    That is why a greater intelligence in the cosmos would seem to solve the problem of Why evolve at all just to be more successful at surviving to be more successful at reproducing.  The grandly intelligent ecologists believe that nature wants or need to regulate over population of lower food chain species and that there is a great chain of being where no element can be touched or the entire system of ecology unravels.  That's far more intelligence than the blind reality of nature and that's the reason environmentalism is absurd and unscientific. Nature is as happy with imbalance and with balance and that concept is just yin and yang analogy pushed on something entirely indifferent to any probable event. 

So where is the intelligence. It is in the spectrum of photons and in the periodic table and evolved into the double helix structures of dna.  DNA is a relentless self replication machine but it can do just fine with huge masses of single cell organism.  What reason does it have to evolve millions of variant species then?  None that would be intelligent?  but maybe.

So you say show me an empirical experiment that  proves there is intelligence in the cosmos.  A lot of people would say . "I just read what you wrote and this is what I think about it."   That is the transmission of a message with semantics and code that I used to transmit it with.   Then there is a better experiment you already know about.  You can make a hole in a microwave oven door and microwaves will be detected coming out the door from the source of the radiation with in.  But a thin aluminum perforated skin over the open door of the microwave and no microwaves will escape.  Everything is coded. If your instrument that detects microwaves is functioning you either will know microwaves are there or not.  Get rose colored glasses put the glasses on and you see pink.  The glasses are sorting out the photons that are not pink and absorbing more of those than otherwise though maybe not all because you see more colors than just pink.  The old theory said the pink you were seeing was transmitting energy to your eye's retinas.  there your brain can read the incoming code.  having found that no energy is actually being transmitted though space to get to the rose colored glasses and that the apparent energy comes from the materials the glass is made of itself mostly via underlying momentum already possessed by the atoms that make up the glass because they are traveling though the universe relative to some  non moving point somewhere at a tremendous velocity.  Then the photons as mere code are just communicating. sun light then is not feeding the surface of the biosphere with energy but just actually finding a code to release energy already there and waiting .  The coding then influences the probable outcomes and it would seem they are communicating intelligence of being.  The sun then is making much of life on earth flourish survive and multiply.