Thursday, January 28, 2016

Unbelievable. I just stopped all photons in the universe in their place--froze them by changing the speed of light constant to zero by contacting their vacuum central authority....

So  what happens if I find a way to stop the speed of light in the entire universe?  Reviewing the theories of general and special relativity you see how integral the constant speed of light is to the whole thesis.  No mater what the velocity of mater is the impact of intercepting photons is going to have the same exact "force"  though I now consider it not a force but a coded persuasion.  So instead of building a giant super collider to find the underlying fabric of the vacuum of space, I find a way to use coded photons along spectral lines to send a message to the cosmos itself to stop every photon in it's place immediately.  (yes I may have just done it!)  Did you notice the effect?   So you are skeptical.  He can't do that.  What central authority in the universe controls all of the photons?  It must be far far away beyond our galaxy....?  Well no. As the main proponent of the study of vacuumology it seems to me that the central authority of the entire universes is one unit of empty vacuum space in the entire cosmos.  So lets say the super collider researches do discover some underlying geometry,or as Einstein called it symmetry of space, then I should be able immediately ,where ever I am in the universe, to access the central authority that will stop all photons in their place.  This is not just a thought experiment.  I propose actually proving it possible with a live experiment.  Does this mean I can also stop all the kinetic energy in the universe at the same time?  I can't say yet because mater occupies the vacuum and defines it but it is not clear if there can be any central control for mater in kinetic states --the normal for mater.  Photons if they travel in linear or curved pathways according to Einstein, require that open vacuum .distances between spots of mater in the universe is where photons travel rather inside solid mater in which they behave differently--slowing down or even disappearing or transforming to lower energy levels.  Stopping photons in their tracks  means your eye will see exactly the last thing you saw or have no input data at all. Still there would be no way to detect photons in space.  very curious. The photons themselves may have no sense of moving at all even when they are.  I rather doubt the universe's structure changes at all freezing photons in their place.  I have to do the experiment again. Don't worry you are not going to die.  I just did it and you survived if you are reading this.

What I want to do is change the frame or reference for observing photons if you understand my discovery.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Spectral Symbolism in the Universe: A whole new way to view the cosmos and maybe a clue as to how it really works.

Since the discovery that photon may not actually transmit energy though space but rather transmit a code built from the electro magnetic spectrum . The though process leads to a conclusion that there is a spectrum of mater too, also having a code.  Yes we have it codified already in the periodic table but most periodic tables do not link the electro magnetic spectrum to this separate interactive spectrum of mater that includes whole atoms, molecules and sub atomic particles.  Some elements will completely ignore photons allowing them to pass though and other will absorb or modify the photons received. But then again the whole em spectrum is not universally going to behave with all elements and vise versa.

Not only do we have this giant flow chart showing what might absorb every color of visible light but say red or blue allowing a gem stone to have a deep blue or red color as seen by our eyes but we have a vast array of possibilities and probability makes every thing possible though only where it is possible with a match between photons and sub atomic/ atomic particles.   We observe the universe now with mass spectrometers and we infer and deduce what distant planets and stars are made of looking at the mass spectrometer charts from our vaporizing various types of atoms here on earth and making a calibration. Our  astronomers are already coding.  Guess what?  The universe then has to be coding and reading code too.

I am not falling into the trap of analogy like the people who see the cosmos as one giant computer generated game  or a projected hologram.  I am just saying that the universe entirely able to send code and read it and does.  The problem is that diffuse long distance sources of photons are only going to send relatively vague information because one thing could be code for another.  I am talking about closer range. Inside the sun or the earth for example, photons are going to send code and stratify into zones of photons that send code that is received in stratified mater or even plasma.  We do already know there is stratification on the sun/ in the sun-- some by density and some by features created by electro-magnetism. There  is a sea of photons in stars that may engulf the entire body of the star and be infused though out the entire structure.  I am not concerned here with revealing the details I can see in photographs from different wave length view of the sun's surface provided by NASA's probe's observations.  I am concerned here with taking the EM spectrum and charting  the largest areas of correspondence to the periodic table and the sub atomic table of interactions to create a map or a code book for the next step in this research.   I am always surprised that the atmosphere of the earth can filter out high energy photons and not let them pass though the atmosphere let alone the center of the earth.  I am also fascinated that photons can theoretically be sent on an infinite trip in a piece of fiber optic cable that is a perfect circle.....and even if it does this at a somewhat slower rate than it would pass though a vacuum , it is not absorbed and is coded to continue passing though forever.

I am calling the new field Symbolics because I don't like terms like symbolism which gets over used in academia as an analogy for everything.  Symbolism becomes the whole point of the field of the humanities when the academics get excited about translating languages or at least by analogy. I am not trying to anthropomorphize physics or even suggest that that there is a language of the universe.  

No I am going that far because I don't know stars are communicating with other stars or that the sun really is the real mono god of the earth that we can pray to ancient Egyptian style.  I am just saying we are using a code and the universe itself appears to have active coding  but we have to decipher the relationships of the coding the way our astronomers are trying but with a computer map and symbolics dictionary of sorts to see patterns rather than to try and translate.  I actually do believe we humans can read messages we see in the cosmos just as we can see constellations but that is our fantasy....This coding is real.