Wednesday, November 25, 2015

We checked. Water above the dam is the same as water below the dam.

So what is the difference between water above and below a dam.  water above the dam has energy in it to  power the turbines below the dam but water below does not have the same potential energy . so we checked to be sure. we bottled water below the dam and brought it up to the top of the dam and it was the same as water on top of the dam and we took water from the top of the dam and it was identical to water at the bottom of the dam.  No difference .  The water was exactly the same.  So how is it that water has potential energy on top of the dam and where is the energy stored that will power the turbines?    That is a proof that suggests the idea that energy is just expression of a code transmitted when a photon is involved in adding work of energy to a material system. It really suggests that the coding added to the water is just it's higher elevation above the turbines at the dam verses the spent water below the dam.  The water was energized to become humidity that rained down the landscape above the dam because of solar energy out in the ocean.  It only lifted it to a higher elevation giving it potential energy otherwise completely identical to water below the dam at a lower elevation.  That says mater can have added potential energy without having to express it and that a photon can bring it a code that energizes it. strictly as a code and not a transmission of actual energy. It means that the energy may already be stored completely in mater and as seems likely now, photons do  not impart energy at all but just a code that activates mater with it's inherent already existing energy.  Newton says an object in motion will stay in motion or at rest will remain at rest as a law of nature as inertia.  That apparently may not be correct for atoms and sub atomic particles which can become more and less active even go to sleep before angular momentum code is transmitted to them from afar. crazy theory except that the radiometer proof from my original new laws of physics completely supports that notion.  Light hits the radiometer and does not impart momentum as I discovered because photons do not have mass but photons do activate the surface of mater the longer they are absorbed and held by mater. Sure mater reacts with mater to release and /or to capture and retain energy but that is not how photons behave.  photons can cause your skin to burn sunbathing and looking at the sun can burn out your eyes very quickly and permanently make you blind. That still does not say that the energy comes from space on the backs of the photons delivering it.  Instead it seems code that unlocks energy already in the material interface of mater is how it really works.  Our concept of energy may need to be changed when it comes to photons and subatomic particles reacting.  The analogy of water above and below the dam say it all.  The only thing that makes water different is the elevation being over the turbines such that it can fall though them causing them to spin.  Water going though the turbines might warm up slightly as a result from there being some friction involved. Water loses no energy.  it can repeat the exact same thing at a lower dam on the same river where it falls once again causing a turbine to spin generating electricity.  The angular momentum relayed to electrons from the generator to create the electric current is strictly coding expressing itself at the electron level maybe and the energy released is just inherently already in the electrons as it is in photons.

Amazing New Physics Discovery: Photons Are Nothing but Code. Code? Yes Code. Symbolic Code. My proof shows they have no "energy" and few if any types of dimensionality until they interact with mater.

I just figured out what photons really are.  At least I clarified the definition.  They are just code.  Coded imprints of angular momentum.  Photons absolutely do not exist until mater collides with them so there is no energy in transition at least none that can be measured or sensed until the code is received.  Hey we do the same thing with radio waves, light pulses , microwave radiation pulses.  So photons do have properties as a rather symbolic code more than being energy . Yes they can impart energy but not until mater is also involved which does mean they are code and a coding mechanism .  I rather think exclusively so.  (I am still figuring it out though)  So when we get radiation we are seeing code being sent out from a material source and this code imprints the angular momentum of mater principally atoms and their component parts. The imprinted code radiates out and will not interact with other photons in space but it will if absorbed for any length of time, including what is called reflection and then re-emitted as the reflection code.  Code , Code. Code.  It is that simple. Now mater is not coded it reacts to code where the code interacts but not where it does not across the spectrum and the periodic table with a lot of variability when it comes to cause and effect.
 So the photon code is the cause and the effects are in mater.  physical material mater without photons is code free or has pre-existing photon codes established and retained even fossilized and new code can change it's state but lacking new code its state cannot change unless the mater itself is interacting then it already has been coded to do so. That changes the definition of what photons are and makes more sense of them as transponders over time and space (distance) of the angular momentum of mater (atoms and sub atomic particles therein.  That means the code is massless.  No mass  and no wave because it is the mater that reacts to the retained angular momentum imprint of the photon so that the wave analogy applies to the mater with the importation of that angular momentum code signal and not having anything to do with the "symbolism" of the photon coding.  Now you go back to the Young double slit experiment and what is observed with interference is mater having code interfere with code at that level of the surface of the mater reflecting code. (light)  Now take this code not as an analogy but as factual reality and think of my multi variable probability theory of cosmic reality and my theory that angular momentum imprinting is what causes an electric current and voila.  New  physics. Improved physics.  one more point to make:  mater itself can be coded but it is not a code till it reaches the level of something like DNA.  Mater can become building blocks for code but it has actual variablility of actual angular momentum not just a symbolic derivative as a sort of imprint that photons have.  Thus electrons probably are  totally massless and kind of a code receptor as a current channels imprinted angular momentum though electrons that have imprinted in a different but similar manner. 
Photons are highly abstract symbolic code which is 1. why they can never react with each other in space or even with a laser concentrating them.  2 which is why they can act over billions of light years and still retain the same electro magnetic equivalence as if they traveled just for a few seconds or less.

Now that I know photons are schematic code only it changes everything. If you don't get what I just actually discovered you won't understand what that does to the cosmos nor what radiation being spherical really is about. I actually don't know yet. I now have simplified the observations to get rid of the wave and particle analogy nonsense successfully. code does that. What I don't know is why or how. Some could say God coded it all and transmits it. Other says were a big computer program run by God or we are a projection from some central intelligence somewhere. Not my theory. I don't need central authority for multi variable conditional probability but it is quite a surprise to find out that photons are coding transponders. As for the code being a message I am not saying that either. The only message sent by code is the angular momentum of mater origin of the photon that can re-energize far away atoms as much as what originally imprinted them as code. The idea that energy has to e sent to become energy is unnecessary.

Now with this new proof showing that photons are really nothing other than a transmission code, a symbolic transmission code for the angular momentum of atomic particles. I can re define gravity and magnetism in a whole new way, it not obvious to you already, and get answers to questions about both magnetism and gravity that no one could solve before.  perhaps you think you already figured it out?  Nope.  I have but have to think it all though before I reveal it.

It might bother you that I am calling photons symbolic code because that seems anthropomorphic.  However that is not my intent. it is not an analogy but an actual observation that is completely empirical.  I only mean to say it is a code that atoms/ atomic particles with mass  or their electrons react to , if they can and do.  There is nothing more to explain except the implications of the obvious and there are definitely some other new laws of physics coming.  The law of photon symbolism is added now to the basic tenants of Newton.  I maybe able to surpass Newton soon.  watch and see.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Mental Induction: Out of the blue tonight I finally linked magnetic induction of electric current (via a generator) into an electric current with the Angular momentum theory of photons I have been developing..

If you have been following my posts on the subject of angular momentum and how it relates to the electro-magnetic spectrum with complete non quantum mechanics certainty though still always a mater of multivariable probability (which is why the spectrum is continuous with one spectral zone bleeding into the next instead of being an absolute set of boundaries fenced off in the spectrum)  then you know that I have linked radius of angular momentum which is highly variable with the almost infinite variability   along the spectrum.

So how does a generator using magnetism going back to Faraday's original 1830s experiments with magnetic induction  cause an electric current?   I have been thinking about that for a long time but now I finally have the answer.  Yes it has to do with angular momentum of the electrons in atoms and particularly the outer most electrons with the simplest of direct current electric generators.  The original Faraday experiment was  just a twisted copper wire turned  with in a single magnet's electric field between positive and negative polarities.  That is a simple magnetic field.

How do the electrons get turned into electric current?  What happens is the magnetic field bumps up the diameter or radius of the angular momentum or spin of the electrons on the outer most shells of electrons on the copper armature or wire. That bumping up causes the electrons to disengage themselves from the atoms which act in concert on the exterior sides of the copper metal.  They act in concert as one electron is easily interchangeable with any other particularly the ones in the same shell or radius/ diameter of angular momentum. That leads to an electron flow into the current along a wire leading away from the generator in the path of least resistance...and that is because the electrons given higher angular momentum are quickly replaced by other electrons with in the metal in the armature. That leads to a positive and negative imbalance partly because electrons from below the surface have to be drawn up to the outer most layers to restore the missing ones and they are at a lower angular momentum level as per having come from a more interior atomic shell from the atoms.  This does not mean that the actual electrons are flowing as much as they are transferring the angular momentum differential imbalance as a current though wires.  Few electrons have to move very far at all hence the current can travel close to the speed of light.  

Now that changes a few things about quantum mechanics right off the bat and relates time , space and  electro magnetism among other factors because as it happens electron angular momentum probably is a lot faster the closer the electrons are to the nucleus of the atom.  That is for later though and other problems.  I am just concerned with the angular momentum connection .  That is because the restorative electrons that replace the ones that are "sluffed " off in a generator cause the imbalance such that there is a positive and a negative induction at the same time.  The bumped up electrons "stuffed off" do channel energy from the generator over time and space though the wires the current moves on and ultimately will lead to doing some kind of work at a remote location or in being converted to electro magnetic spectrum often as heat or infrared because of electrical resistance.  Now thanks to all spectral LED lights we can convert that directly to even more of the spectrum or concentrate current to produce spectrums that include x-rays as well as radio waves, microwaves to name some of what we do with electric current.  So when we are bumping up electrons by increasing the diameter factor for angular momentum and decreasing it at the surface of the armature with atomic interior electrons we are essentially imprinting the way photons and we can reproduce photo imprinting thus with the current running over a distance.  Generators get more complicated than this but this does suggest there is a whole new way to generate electric power by immediately changing the diameter of electron angular momentum and it also means that magnetic fields have an imprinting signature too.

So The magnetic field transforms angular momentum driving off outer electrons and replacing them with some inner electrons closer to the nuclei of atoms in the metal.  That is why a current has to have a  course to right it self with both a positive and a negative feedback wire.  Part of the process is also dimensional expansion but that is more about linking it all to gravity.  Generators do not become heavier because they are producing a power load of current.  That is not the link to gravity but the dimensional expansion part would provide that link and of course does with the black body radiation thesis.  There is no regeneration of electrons though if static electricity builds up some seem to think there is some pull back when it is really just a snap back of angular momentum . Conservation of energy applies with a generator although there maybe problems with corrosion over time.  Maybe an active generator is less corrosive because of the angular momentum change factor?  don't know yet.  Alternating current may just be a current running both ways on the same wires?  don't know yet.  that is the same angular momentum imbalance running both ways one positive and the other negative.  I am more interested in the imprinting factor and conversions with resistance over the span to EM spectrum and explaining the actual behavior of the electrons.  One thing to note is that electric current universally moves on the outsides of the feed wires not in the interior and that supports the idea of increased  diameter of angular momentum driving the current over long lines.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quantum Mechanics is a Self Fullfiling Prophescy

Quantum Mechanics is a self fulfilling prophesy?  Absolutely. Where the theory spins off out from empirical evidence and becomes conjecture as a building block of future conjectures reality ceases to exist until we observe it with complicate instruments:

Aside from the philosophical questions of self fulfilling quantum mechanics it ignores much more simple notions of energy and mass having a spectrum of material diameters (the radius of atoms and atomic particles at various energy levels that imprints on photon and possibly free electrons )

The cosmos is not as fuzzy as Quantum Mechanics thinks it is.

I figured it out.    The reason why quantum mechanics seems to work is because we make measurements with imprecise instruments and imprecise no mater how precise we make them.  Our entire mathematical perception of the universe including mater and energy happens to be schematic which is in a sense coded so we can perceive and make sense of what we observe.  What we observe comes from our senses which are highly imprecise but are corrected by our brains that take raw data that is very fuzzy and imprecise and assign schematic code to the details.  It is like our best ,most number of pixels,  digital cameras assigning a pixel from the visible spectrum to a tiny area that is just averaging or assigning a color to a microscopic zone that may be much more highly complex and/or fuzzy.  Our eyes have retinas that see in their own cellular pixelating way and the brain interprets that accordingly often seeing what we think we see and not what we actually see which is why optical illusions are so easy to find that fool the eyes.  It is true of touch where we have difficulty deciding weather something is cold or hot without finding other clues to put it into context.  It is true with smell where we can be totally confused about what smells like what with our eyes closed.  It is true with how we hear sounds.  All the senses are modified data from our biological sensors that categorize and label codify and schematize.  So Yes the perfect is not really what we sense or perceive but how we process it.  When we are confused things seem fuzzy.

That is the analogy not the empirical evidence.  The empirical evidence is that our detectors whether the  biological senses, the precise scientific detection devices or the super precise scientific detection devices are all material objects made of mater that have to interface with energy or photons that represent energy in order to process the detection of anything / each photon or electrons in motion.

Fuzziness of reality of quantum mechanics theory comes into play precisely because of this.  We don't have detectors that grasp a direct relationship with mater.  No there is a translation from mater as energy usually in the electro magnetic spectrum.  photons imprint information from the behavior of atoms and relay that to our detectors.  At the moment this relay happens what is the angular momentum imprint of the electrons or photons hitting the detection device we have a concurrence of several different kinds of angular momentum at one time.  Say our detector is made of solid gold and that gold is at room temperature so it's atoms that act as the detection interface have an angular momentum reflecting that temperature of that metal and may have impurities in it that add even more fuzziness because gold may be 99.999 percent gold and not 100 percent gold.  The relay then puts one faint source of relayed imprinted photon angular momentum into contact with that of the gold in the detector and that relays to a copper wire behind the apparatus that takes it to something like an oscilloscope of the old fashioned kind which makes a schematic pattern with it.  So you really can forget about dead cats in boxes.  If the cat is warm the box is detecting that and can relay it to the exterior if the cat is dead and cold inside less of that will relay to the exterior of the box and what ever relays is only picked up by the detection device because some photon or electron relays or imprints some other electron or photon with it's particular angular momentum plus what is residual in the relay electron or photon.  Fuzzy everything becomes with precision instruments thus.

Why angular momentum?  It is at the scale of the electron and the photon  imprinted by conditions of the mater and type coming from earlier interactions with energy as such.  Now if you want the proof it is angular momentum that comes directly from a proper understanding of how Young's double slit experiment actually works.  The only reason there is apparent interference from a uniform source of light on the  surface behind the double slits is because of atomic angular momentum imparted on to the photons passing though but that imparted angular momentum is really all encapsulated in the detector making the detection and the material wall it is projected on.  nothing in space is photons interfering with each other.  the interference is within the electrons of the material surfaces of the projection screen which have atoms combining various rates of acceleration form imprinting that happens at the point of the double slits that intervene between the source of light and the projection screen.  Nothing happens in space in a vacuum there if the experiment is preformed in a vacuum tube.

At the microscopic level none of the material surfaces are smooth.  There is plenty of room for fuzziness.

The incredible shrinking universe expands.....

Thursday, November 12, 2015

on to something entirely new in physics. Forget frequencies and waves think coding in angular momentum for the entire EM spectrum

I am slowly working on my new physics models/ research.  It is better than a model because I am strictly empirical.  I realize that all light we see and all the spectrum we can detect including radio waves, xrays gamma etc are energy with imprinted characteristics of the mater from which they are generated.   Energy can be converted from one form of energy to another but not without having mater as the intermediary.  We get an electric current out of hydro electric power plants as an example.  We send that current to a plant that makes fertilizer and that fertilizer uses the energy to bond together the fertilizer which is a different form of energy.  The plants consume the fertilizer and they convert that energy in the fertilizer to plant energy to grow valuable calorie rich foods we eat....mater is the intermediary.  It imprints the entire thermodynamic spectrum on what ever photons are when they have no energy or ramp them up or down to a different level of energy .  maybe a photon with the least amount of energy has that much as a base?  our eyes have retinas that can take the visible light received and code that data to our brains by reading the angular momentum in each photon. The retina absorbs that angular momentum and converts it to brain signal codes almost as pixels. The periodic table of elements is actually a spectral coding of mater minus the molecular combinations beyond it.  It gets more complicated than the elctro magnetic spectrum but not so complicated that  it cannot be entirely expressed in resulting probabilities of em spectrum.

It is definitely imprinted angular momentum that photons have to differentiate themselves from the others.  That imprint also has the angular momentum signature force that it can download to mater on impact.  I definitely believe mass and energy combine but not that they are interchangeable citing mass defect problems.

Tastes like the Grape code.

Here is new physics for you:  When I pop a grape in my mouth I am putting a mixture of mass and energy in my mouth which is also a mixture of mass an energy effectively sending a mass- energy code to a mass-energy code.  The whole thing about time is that it is just codes interacting and revealing probability outcomes.  Once you realize the electro magnetic spectrum is energy imprinted with material coding that only reacts with a spectrum of mater and not the spectrum of energy , it totally changes your perception.  Forget string theory.  This does the trick best and solves the problem of that alive-dead cat being in the NAZI box.  If the cat is alive it is one code of energy in the box and if dead a separate code.  The box having components on the material mater spectrum may darn well know the status of the cat.  I have a machine that detects photons within the visible light spectrum .  Detection means the photons are properly coded to be detected yet it cannot detect spectrum outside of the visible range on the spectrum.  It cannot pick up radio broadcasts nor xrays.  Those are coded for detection by other types of mater in various configurations.  so popping that grape in my mouth is multilayers of code detection.  Mater does not detect mater it detects the energy coding of mater which is like and related to imprinted codes on electromagnetic spectrum.  Am I saying the entire universe is some giant tv screen being broadcast by god for our enjoyment.  Not at all.  I am saying all the interactions are guided by probability however and that the notion that coding starts at the level of DNA is incorrect.  The DNA of Mass and Energy is set between at least two interacting codes one for the imprinted energy code of photons in the EM spectrum and the other is the code of probability for mater to behave across the periodic table as it's spectrum given the energy level differentiation of states of mater from plasma to Solids and as time keepers.

The periodic table is more or less the basis for the mater code spectrum.  The Electro magnetic spectrum is the code for imprinted photons. Between the two the codes can be read and disseminated by radiation or with a laser in a more coherent fashion.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Inevitable probability

Say the odds of winning the power ball lottery are about 1 in 250 million.  Not too easy to pick 6 separate number to win the grand prize the way the game is played.  One can play the same 6 numbers including a separate number for the powerball  each game twice a week and never even get close to winning the jackpot in several life times.   How ever if you played the exact same number chosen or chose them at random before each drawing 1000 times a second for successive game events 1000 times per second you will be certain to win probably multiple times in a life time or a much shorter period of time in days, week, months or years.  Looking at a cosmological reality that is perhaps over 14 billion light years in diameter there is plenty of room  and time for just about anything possible to happen multiple times which is why seeing so many millions of nearly identical galaxies as far as the eye can see should be no surprise.  Probability of life elsewhere and different forms of life.  Inevitable.  That is not the point of the physics of probability as much as understanding how light behaves.  How it imprints it self within the spectrum and then radiates out into space until it eventually collides with mater either to be detected by being absorbed , reflected or ignored.  We see blue when all the rest of the visible light color components absorbed when blue is the only one ignored and or absorbed instantaneously and re-reflected or in passing though.  Only certain kinds of mater allow it to happen under certain conditions.  It is all about probability with the possibility existing in advance that mater will even be in the path way of light that travels as pure 'linear momentum" in straight lines.  This is how probability directs just about everything.  Energy and mass have to come together or find some way to do so with some lens to focus them together.


Big problem with Einstein's notion that space-time alters space so as to warp it is that space has no defining characteristics without mater within it.  There is no Cartesian plain to warp around an object possessing gravity .  Space has no markers.  Einstein resorts to marking space with the speed of light as a constant.  Unfortunately light does not demarcate  points in space until it collides with mater or is intercepted by mater and to be that and sensed as a point does not mean that it is not just absorbed and disappears.  Vacuumology  starts with a rather simple notion that mathematic definitions do not reflect empirical reality but that it can be changed so that 1 divided by 0 is equal to 1.  That is because one physical object with set proportions or proportions that are variable , waxing or waning, reside in exactly as much space as their volumetric proportions .  That hints at mass being a combination of mater and space as is naturally the reality.  An object occupies no more space than it's own proportions hence 1 divided by zero is 1.  does that mean that 2 divided by zero is 2?  No but it is again one because two objects retain as much space between them as 2 objects which is 2 divided by 2 or 1 again.  And so on.  What about the vast areas of space between objects?    Well those areas have the strange potential of having that faint force of gravity acting at astronomical distances meaning that perhaps the way we see proportions in space is wrong because if an object like the sun can influence space beyond it millions of times the diameter of the sun it self  than it's dimensions are considerably larger than we have been imagining them to be.  What is the cut off point where the solar wind is no longer part of the sun?  When does the corona become something out in space?  Vacuumology addresses the problem and it is pretty simple to correct with 1 divided by 0. 

  See more here:

Monday, November 9, 2015

I am about to stand quantum mechanics on it's head with this discovery. We have an electro magentic spectrum but we forget we also have a material reality spectrum too to detect the em spectrum.

I discovered that every thing that differentiates the parts of the spectrum is degrees and rates of rotation in angular momentum. no longer does energy have to be a particle and / or a wave or have any of that analogy baggage. It completely destroys string theory except for the spectrum that predates string theory. It finally explains how a prism breaks up white light into the colored component parts and it introduces time to the distances traveled thought the prism to pass though with variable rates of angular momentum. Ah but the confusion is where the angular momentum resides. Not in the photon pulses but rather in the mater which leaves it imprinted. Which leads to the new law of physics: The new law of sympathetic resonance of mater. Which means something at a great distance cans send an energy pulse that only will resonate with certain materials that are like the ones from where the pulse was originally sourced and generated. Which is like a mirror that is radiated everywhere from the source. May be you don't get it. Don't worry it is so simple no one has to be a genius to see it is amazing. It means you are alive because you have energy from something else equally alive elsewhere....or if energy if you don't like the analogy

what we see is what we detect because we can detect it or otherwise just absorb it.  when we detect it we take energy that is imprinted and relay it much the way our television screens take a coded signal and relays it accurately as broadcast or sent via a cable or other signal.  this is not to say the universe is a giant tv screen  but it is to say our eyes do not perceive the whole spectrum  nor do other material objects .  imprinted photons relay the angular momentum from which they are generated in what is otherwise just pure linear momentum though not at all detectable without the right detecting materials that resonate under the right conditions.  It was Kepler , I think, who talked about the harmony of the heavily bodies.  he was right about resonance in this sense.  I was correct about the Young double slit experiment being a fallacy.  And this will help correct it.  Light does not interact with light to give an interference pattern but it can interact with the material interface / screen atoms to behave to cancel out angular momentum.  There is more to the theory but the empirical experiments will prove I am correct , they already do.  We don't detect xrays with our retinas and xrays can collide with physical materials that cause them to resonate so as  to generate an electric charge from which we are able to say they are detected and even counted as individual photons.  What it also shows is that an xray can move though the universe with the power of an xray collide with mater and be absorbed and re-reflected as an xray which means the imprint can reimprint xrays.  This is then true across the entire spectrum and probably includes gamma.  It means the larger massive bodies like planets can absorb gamma rays and then later reproduce them even millions of years later so long as the imprint of angular momentum can be preserved or generates higher independent levels .  It can mean that there are spectral range collectors in the universe and closer to home too.