I just figured out what photons really are. At least I clarified the definition. They are just code. Coded imprints of angular momentum. Photons absolutely do not exist until mater collides with them so there is no energy in transition at least none that can be measured or sensed until the code is received. Hey we do the same thing with radio waves, light pulses , microwave radiation pulses. So photons do have properties as a rather symbolic code more than being energy . Yes they can impart energy but not until mater is also involved which does mean they are code and a coding mechanism . I rather think exclusively so. (I am still figuring it out though) So when we get radiation we are seeing code being sent out from a material source and this code imprints the angular momentum of mater principally atoms and their component parts. The imprinted code radiates out and will not interact with other photons in space but it will if absorbed for any length of time, including what is called reflection and then re-emitted as the reflection code. Code , Code. Code. It is that simple. Now mater is not coded it reacts to code where the code interacts but not where it does not across the spectrum and the periodic table with a lot of variability when it comes to cause and effect.
So the photon code is the cause and the effects are in mater. physical material mater without photons is code free or has pre-existing photon codes established and retained even fossilized and new code can change it's state but lacking new code its state cannot change unless the mater itself is interacting then it already has been coded to do so. That changes the definition of what photons are and makes more sense of them as transponders over time and space (distance) of the angular momentum of mater (atoms and sub atomic particles therein. That means the code is massless. No mass and no wave because it is the mater that reacts to the retained angular momentum imprint of the photon so that the wave analogy applies to the mater with the importation of that angular momentum code signal and not having anything to do with the "symbolism" of the photon coding. Now you go back to the Young double slit experiment and what is observed with interference is mater having code interfere with code at that level of the surface of the mater reflecting code. (light) Now take this code not as an analogy but as factual reality and think of my multi variable probability theory of cosmic reality and my theory that angular momentum imprinting is what causes an electric current and voila. New physics. Improved physics. one more point to make: mater itself can be coded but it is not a code till it reaches the level of something like DNA. Mater can become building blocks for code but it has actual variablility of actual angular momentum not just a symbolic derivative as a sort of imprint that photons have. Thus electrons probably are totally massless and kind of a code receptor as a current channels imprinted angular momentum though electrons that have imprinted in a different but similar manner.
Photons are highly abstract symbolic code which is 1. why they can never react with each other in space or even with a laser concentrating them. 2 which is why they can act over billions of light years and still retain the same electro magnetic equivalence as if they traveled just for a few seconds or less.
Now that I know photons are schematic code only it changes everything. If you don't get what I just actually discovered you won't understand what that does to the cosmos nor what radiation being spherical really is about. I actually don't know yet. I now have simplified the observations to get rid of the wave and particle analogy nonsense successfully. code does that. What I don't know is why or how. Some could say God coded it all and transmits it. Other says were a big computer program run by God or we are a projection from some central intelligence somewhere. Not my theory. I don't need central authority for multi variable conditional probability but it is quite a surprise to find out that photons are coding transponders. As for the code being a message I am not saying that either. The only message sent by code is the angular momentum of mater origin of the photon that can re-energize far away atoms as much as what originally imprinted them as code. The idea that energy has to e sent to become energy is unnecessary.
Now with this new proof showing that photons are really nothing other than a transmission code, a symbolic transmission code for the angular momentum of atomic particles. I can re define gravity and magnetism in a whole new way, it not obvious to you already, and get answers to questions about both magnetism and gravity that no one could solve before. perhaps you think you already figured it out? Nope. I have but have to think it all though before I reveal it.
It might bother you that I am calling photons symbolic code because that seems anthropomorphic. However that is not my intent. it is not an analogy but an actual observation that is completely empirical. I only mean to say it is a code that atoms/ atomic particles with mass or their electrons react to , if they can and do. There is nothing more to explain except the implications of the obvious and there are definitely some other new laws of physics coming. The law of photon symbolism is added now to the basic tenants of Newton. I maybe able to surpass Newton soon. watch and see.
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