Friday, November 20, 2015

Mental Induction: Out of the blue tonight I finally linked magnetic induction of electric current (via a generator) into an electric current with the Angular momentum theory of photons I have been developing..

If you have been following my posts on the subject of angular momentum and how it relates to the electro-magnetic spectrum with complete non quantum mechanics certainty though still always a mater of multivariable probability (which is why the spectrum is continuous with one spectral zone bleeding into the next instead of being an absolute set of boundaries fenced off in the spectrum)  then you know that I have linked radius of angular momentum which is highly variable with the almost infinite variability   along the spectrum.

So how does a generator using magnetism going back to Faraday's original 1830s experiments with magnetic induction  cause an electric current?   I have been thinking about that for a long time but now I finally have the answer.  Yes it has to do with angular momentum of the electrons in atoms and particularly the outer most electrons with the simplest of direct current electric generators.  The original Faraday experiment was  just a twisted copper wire turned  with in a single magnet's electric field between positive and negative polarities.  That is a simple magnetic field.

How do the electrons get turned into electric current?  What happens is the magnetic field bumps up the diameter or radius of the angular momentum or spin of the electrons on the outer most shells of electrons on the copper armature or wire. That bumping up causes the electrons to disengage themselves from the atoms which act in concert on the exterior sides of the copper metal.  They act in concert as one electron is easily interchangeable with any other particularly the ones in the same shell or radius/ diameter of angular momentum. That leads to an electron flow into the current along a wire leading away from the generator in the path of least resistance...and that is because the electrons given higher angular momentum are quickly replaced by other electrons with in the metal in the armature. That leads to a positive and negative imbalance partly because electrons from below the surface have to be drawn up to the outer most layers to restore the missing ones and they are at a lower angular momentum level as per having come from a more interior atomic shell from the atoms.  This does not mean that the actual electrons are flowing as much as they are transferring the angular momentum differential imbalance as a current though wires.  Few electrons have to move very far at all hence the current can travel close to the speed of light.  

Now that changes a few things about quantum mechanics right off the bat and relates time , space and  electro magnetism among other factors because as it happens electron angular momentum probably is a lot faster the closer the electrons are to the nucleus of the atom.  That is for later though and other problems.  I am just concerned with the angular momentum connection .  That is because the restorative electrons that replace the ones that are "sluffed " off in a generator cause the imbalance such that there is a positive and a negative induction at the same time.  The bumped up electrons "stuffed off" do channel energy from the generator over time and space though the wires the current moves on and ultimately will lead to doing some kind of work at a remote location or in being converted to electro magnetic spectrum often as heat or infrared because of electrical resistance.  Now thanks to all spectral LED lights we can convert that directly to even more of the spectrum or concentrate current to produce spectrums that include x-rays as well as radio waves, microwaves to name some of what we do with electric current.  So when we are bumping up electrons by increasing the diameter factor for angular momentum and decreasing it at the surface of the armature with atomic interior electrons we are essentially imprinting the way photons and we can reproduce photo imprinting thus with the current running over a distance.  Generators get more complicated than this but this does suggest there is a whole new way to generate electric power by immediately changing the diameter of electron angular momentum and it also means that magnetic fields have an imprinting signature too.

So The magnetic field transforms angular momentum driving off outer electrons and replacing them with some inner electrons closer to the nuclei of atoms in the metal.  That is why a current has to have a  course to right it self with both a positive and a negative feedback wire.  Part of the process is also dimensional expansion but that is more about linking it all to gravity.  Generators do not become heavier because they are producing a power load of current.  That is not the link to gravity but the dimensional expansion part would provide that link and of course does with the black body radiation thesis.  There is no regeneration of electrons though if static electricity builds up some seem to think there is some pull back when it is really just a snap back of angular momentum . Conservation of energy applies with a generator although there maybe problems with corrosion over time.  Maybe an active generator is less corrosive because of the angular momentum change factor?  don't know yet.  Alternating current may just be a current running both ways on the same wires?  don't know yet.  that is the same angular momentum imbalance running both ways one positive and the other negative.  I am more interested in the imprinting factor and conversions with resistance over the span to EM spectrum and explaining the actual behavior of the electrons.  One thing to note is that electric current universally moves on the outsides of the feed wires not in the interior and that supports the idea of increased  diameter of angular momentum driving the current over long lines.

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