current running down the length of a wire coast to coast is just an electromagnetic disturbance . not one electron that enters the wire from one side makes it to the other side and yet the signal travels near the speed of light when measured. with electrolysis of water the hydrogen bubbles up along the positive or negative lead in the water only and the oxygen bubbles up the opposite charged pole in the water. that is the same reaction as electric current in the wire. both then have to be code passed form electron to electron/ atom to atom along the length of transmission and that code will take apart and rebuild water molecules in the electrolysis water basin on both sides of the polarity simultaneously. that only can be accomplished with that electro magnetic disturbance coding. no hydrogen or oxygen comes out anywhere else from the experiment. It is damn amazing and point out the most over looked principles of physics I am still working on discovering. when you see that experiment which is common place in industry now, you realize we live in a coded universe. this principle of electromagnetic disturbance blows a huge hole in quantum mechanics immediately because it is spooky and it atoms and molecules being in different places at the same time and it had been discovered more than 150 years ago. It also is a black box mystery like the uncertainty principle and Schroder's dead cat but highly certain when we use it in industry. I can now better explain why so called pons and fliesher cold fusion really may have been real fusion and why the reaction seemed to be on a unregulated time scale. The real discovery is photons which are then just discarded code or electro magnetic disturbance coding that reveals information but only has real value furthering the transmission of electromagnetic disturbances at close range with the inverse square law taking it to nil at longer distances form the point of radiation source.