Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Both momentum and acceleration are dimensions add probability as yet another dimension.....

in case you are worried about living in only three special dimensions.... you maybe happy to find out there are at least 4 more special dimensions including time.....

There is no g force in space rapid or even hyper warp speed acceleration science fiction movies but in reality its a huge problem. say you get up to the speed of light in a space ship how do you brake it? if you get up to that speed you can step off of your space ship on to a planet going that same speed or beam yourself down maybe you put a thruster in the tip of your spaceship to slow down and that with the speed of light momentum you already have crushes your spaceship like an accordion as if it hit a you think that there are only 3 dimensions before you get to time? Heck no. your sustained momentum without acceleration is a dimension/ dimensioning process and add to that acceleration in going faster or braking and you have yet another dimension. It is pretty obvious to me. I am concerned about parts of atoms that get dragged along some more than others. the outermost electron in atoms can act with acceleration just like a person without a seat belt in an automobile. the more locked in the subatomic particles are the less probability of flying off there is with acceleration deceleration. Its all getting towards one of my new laws of should not be new but than no one else seems to realize these are dimensions. if time is the 4th probability is the 5th . momentum is 6th and 7 is acceleration/ deceleration. I am not sure If I need a revision or not.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Yes Probability Is Faster Than The Speed Of Light.

Think of what is already there. Probability is faster than the speed of light.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another set of New Laws of physics coming into view. Conditionial probability is key to developing a code. Code can develop itself in nature. Code tends to be self replicating.

Another new set of new laws of physics is coming into view.  Some of these have already been touched on in this blog.  Conditional probability is key. 

Get enough independent variables in one place and  mix them up and they can relate to each other in a myriad of different combinations based on simple probability. That's potential probability.   When independent atoms start finding relationships with other atoms , because they can, a sort of   code automatically starts to develop. That's because not all atoms and not all types of energy in the mix are going to react and some react more forcefully an more permanently than others depending on the energy conditions in the environment.  That's a lot of variables as the number of types of atoms and types of forces and reactions becomes apparent. When something chain like or crystalized or geometric results it maybe independently replicated by other sets of the same or similar atoms/ subatomic particles.  This happens naturally.  Conditions of surrounding energy states and  exposure to radiation and other factors  are more integral factor variables.   As soon as any kind of replicable order starts to appear then you have automatic natural coding manifesting itself.  coding itself, leads to replication coding...that's a new law of physics.  Code is prone to self replicate.  If you ever wondered why animals and plants evolve because they have the desire to survive , flourish and reproduce you might think that there is something magical about that.....but it is not just apparent in living organisms.  the coding starts at the subatomic level or even below that level. the entire universe acts as if it has some kind of innate intelligence. We humans are amazed by animal instincts....we think that is the byproduct of  something rational or accidental....what we are seeing is intelligence of underlying code that goes to the atomic maybe that electricity has caused humans to discover it and  that electricity has caused humans to put electricity to highly advanced uses and not art or science that did it .