Monday, September 21, 2020

When Boltzmann Entropy Decay and Chaos Fails

 Entropy as defined in basic thermodynamics proceeding Boltzmann thinking on the phenomenon was about Heat exchange  from the hot to the cooled. It was about a system that provided working energy to a system that degraded.  Extrapolated to the entire universe everything comes to an end with no revival possible.    But wait.  The Hubble deep field photographs show an unlimited number of similar looking galaxies and the deep field is almost everywhere and it may have all happened as long ago as 14 billion earth years ago.  The Universe as we study it has recurring forms and these go from a few million light years away to 14 billion light years distance.  Why would the same  or similar structures reoccur so often at so many  different distances ?   How is it that we can catalog the same forms virtually everywhere ?  Then at the microscopic level of atoms we see the same thing.  Concentrations of lithium in certain dry lake beds and concentrations of  calcium carbonate because of life in oceans as limestone and marble and then we also find that ancient humans tended to concentrate all the metal found in bronze and iron and burry them in tombs.  Occasionally humans have concentrated gold hoards and left them buried in tombs. That tells me that entropy is not necessarily the universal result of any system losing energy content.  Yes the ability to continue collecting gold ends when the collector dies but that does not mean that some new entity is not again concentrating it nor does it mean that new dry lake beds full of lithium salts won't happen in the future though i am unsure what causes  a lithium dry lake bed to form.  

Crystals form in hot liquid brines and in melted rock.  What many don't realize is that the crystals can form and reform in different patterns as the melted rock or brine stays liquid and hot/ warm.  So you can have quartz crystals forming and then morphing into new quartz crystals until cooling starts to set them as finished.  Crystals that form are anything but the product of chaos and entropy....nor forms that are disorder  nor chaos.  A crystal forms in a state of relative chaos with thermodynamic input . Crystals may break down later and components of beach sand but even there they maintain the qualities of the original larger crystal structure.  Entropy is thus fine and well to see in some individual systems with thermodynamic input utilization but it can't be extrapolated to everything and everywhere.  Just the idea that a star blowing up and making star dust elements including most in the periodic table is anything but entropy.  Crystals forming in warm brine are the exact opposite of entropy with order becoming geometrically apparent. Add heat and water again and it all dissolves into what some would see as chaos and others see as potential order.  I have long disregarded the idea of Entropy as being universal to all systems and to the cosmos  just because of the existence of DNA. If all states of nature tended toward entropy there is no ability for DNA formation to have ever happened.   The major question I have is why and for what purpose or plan or accident does anything want to reproduce itself and with life why should it have any survival instinct.  Do crystals have survival instincts?  Harder crystals like diamonds and garnets can retain their geometric perfection becasue they are harder than surrounding  materials they grind up against....But I suppose that if you have very hard crystals and set them in the path with less hard materials like an asteroid moving at 900 meters per second or faster that they can put an end to them and their order.  The interesting thing about collisions is they are thermodynamic.  I read Calder's book as a child about the violent universe.  Nothing is safe out there but a collision in space I now believe is the usual reason for a super nova rather than some collapsing star.  Even if  it is a collapsing star and i am wrong ...we can catalog images of super novae and they have characteristics that put them in categories...not a bit of lack of order and chaos to be able to do entropy is fine when it comes to house keeping.  A home without housekeeping will completely collapse and become soil in less than 2 years.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Misunderstood probabily of the existence of Life, The earth, The entire comos as it is.

It is too customary for people and even scientists to be in awe that life exists or that the earth exists in its wonderful state of being .  The same people state that the probability of life existing and earth itself being what it is and where it is, having a  moon as it is  and an atmosphere are prone to say that the probability of all of this being so is something like 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.  

That is entirely incorrect. The probability of everything being as it is and our having consciousness to think about it all is actually closer to 999,999,999,999,999,999   out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 .  Having all thing being what they are is actually certainty not like winning the grand prize in a lottery. The odds of other earth like or semi similar earth like planets existing with life is also probably certainty or near certainty .  It's no lottery.  The proof for this is that we live in a coded and coding universe....  we used to call it the laws of nature now it has become the coding of nature. We  have the periodic table that links directly to the electromagnetic spectrum and now we are finding that  everything in the universe may actually be some form of electro magnetism and nothing else. Matter itself being electromagnetism?    Yes though there maybe rather basic particles are something else other than electromagnetism that are coding vehicles.  This reverses the theory of Either where space is full of either that allows the transmission of electromagnetic waves at various frequencies to a theory where the material elements of mater and atoms have their cores as the actual either and any un coded either out in the cosmos  can become coded later or lose it's coding.  Very different theory.

Where the real proof comes in is that if what we call artificial intelligence really is intelligence than the whole universe has intelligence as it is coded.   String theory sort of hints at this but really does not understand what an intelligent universe is.  This is not an analogy for plucking frequencies on taught strings  this is taking the definition of the word intelligent and saying that the behavior of stars and our Sun and planets , galaxies etc are demonstrations of intelligence.  predictable intelligence. predictable interactions.   The coding of  everything and photons having been found to be pure code that neither transmit energy nor have any mass is then key to the theory.  Once basic intelligence of everything is understood then Einstein is right that god does not play dice with the universe .  Though God is pure probability, the probability is certainty and the certainty is set by coding.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Erik Peter Verlinde's Theory of Enthropic Gravity is not quite right.

Entropy is a physics term I refuse to accept as having much of any empirical status.  The reason why is that water falling over a dam and driving a turbine below or just being a waterfall is not a state of entropy.  The water comes back to become a body of water in the river below eventually.  Gravity is not entropic because We don't find crystal formation or other forms of  pattern order occurring without it.  Before we have DNA we have to have gravity.  Gravity is not a state of entropy.   I do however give Verlinde credit for making his observation.  There is a state of mater that could fool a person into thinking it is because of entropy that in integral to how gravity empirically behaves.    Black body radiation will cause spot increased gravity anomalies.  That is because of the interaction of photons.  You have to read my thesis on the nature of photons being pure code to understand this  .going back to the point I say that if you have a car moving at 50 miles per hour that suddenly stops and a bowling ball in the front seat is not seat belted in it will fly straight though the front window.  ''

The ball is actually still moving in the direction that the car had been moving and does not stop.  The frames of reference to a viewer   outside is the ball is flying though the window but inside the car the view of things is different there it would seem that the ball just did not stop with the rest of the car and the rest of its contents.   With photons striking an object  it does not work that way. There the car is moving at 50 miles per our and the ball is in the back seat. Suddenly outside viewers see the ball flying out the back window of the speeding car that has not stopped but inside the car the view can be different. nothing shot the ball out the back of the window but somehow the ball stopped moving with the car because  it did.  maybe it was tethered to cord  that suddenly stopped it and it appeared to fly or maybe something magical called a photon interacted and stopped it such that if flys thought the back window of the car that is still moving at 50 mph.  That's exactly what the coding of interacting photons does . A photon interacting with mater causes explosive subatomic reactions on a tiny probably electron size scale.  The photon does not hit and add energy but actually hits and takes energy of momentum that is underlying in all mater essentially stopping the electron in place which separates it from the rest of the atom that still has the ongoing momentum.  Now that is where I started thinking about the entropic theory of gravity . though it is pretty much backwards from my research. There is nothing entropic about it. except that the underlying momentum of objects is its normalcy verses what would seem to be 'entropy' if seeming to fly off because the photon or a quantity of photon cases these subatomic particles just to stop while the rest of the atom keeps plowing ahead with its normal motion.

So I totally discount that theory of gravity and entropy being linked simply because it is not entropy but rather a frames of reference  mimicking of entropy.                    

Sunday, December 24, 2017

NEW Laws of physics will quickly change everythingAll the wrong assumptions maybe being made by scientists/ astronomers in understanding the universe/ cosmos. The energy assumption is probably wrong to start. the gravity assumption may also be incorrect. We assume what works here works everywhere....and it may. The energy assumption is that we have energy coming to our planet in the form of photons...I now see photons as pure information coding. They code to slow subatomic mater down not to speed it up and that is now 100 percent factual and I have definitive proof. you think about kinetic energy and a photon actually deprives the subatomic particles affected fo that kinetic energy or some of it...and that depends on the several factors which are basically if the subatomic particle is affected or not...which is binary and to what degree according to the spectrum. The spectrum adds a limited number of variables per spot on the periodic table. remaking a view of the total cosmos with these newer restraints on the assumptions will change how astronomical telescope photos and data have to be analyzed. The assumption that gamma rays have to come from more violent actions in distant space maybe all wrong. gamma rays have less power than other photons than expected in different types of material collisions. They are often just ignored but sometimes a gas can just totally neutralize them. a gas.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Both momentum and acceleration are dimensions add probability as yet another dimension.....

in case you are worried about living in only three special dimensions.... you maybe happy to find out there are at least 4 more special dimensions including time.....

There is no g force in space rapid or even hyper warp speed acceleration science fiction movies but in reality its a huge problem. say you get up to the speed of light in a space ship how do you brake it? if you get up to that speed you can step off of your space ship on to a planet going that same speed or beam yourself down maybe you put a thruster in the tip of your spaceship to slow down and that with the speed of light momentum you already have crushes your spaceship like an accordion as if it hit a you think that there are only 3 dimensions before you get to time? Heck no. your sustained momentum without acceleration is a dimension/ dimensioning process and add to that acceleration in going faster or braking and you have yet another dimension. It is pretty obvious to me. I am concerned about parts of atoms that get dragged along some more than others. the outermost electron in atoms can act with acceleration just like a person without a seat belt in an automobile. the more locked in the subatomic particles are the less probability of flying off there is with acceleration deceleration. Its all getting towards one of my new laws of should not be new but than no one else seems to realize these are dimensions. if time is the 4th probability is the 5th . momentum is 6th and 7 is acceleration/ deceleration. I am not sure If I need a revision or not.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another set of New Laws of physics coming into view. Conditionial probability is key to developing a code. Code can develop itself in nature. Code tends to be self replicating.

Another new set of new laws of physics is coming into view.  Some of these have already been touched on in this blog.  Conditional probability is key. 

Get enough independent variables in one place and  mix them up and they can relate to each other in a myriad of different combinations based on simple probability. That's potential probability.   When independent atoms start finding relationships with other atoms , because they can, a sort of   code automatically starts to develop. That's because not all atoms and not all types of energy in the mix are going to react and some react more forcefully an more permanently than others depending on the energy conditions in the environment.  That's a lot of variables as the number of types of atoms and types of forces and reactions becomes apparent. When something chain like or crystalized or geometric results it maybe independently replicated by other sets of the same or similar atoms/ subatomic particles.  This happens naturally.  Conditions of surrounding energy states and  exposure to radiation and other factors  are more integral factor variables.   As soon as any kind of replicable order starts to appear then you have automatic natural coding manifesting itself.  coding itself, leads to replication coding...that's a new law of physics.  Code is prone to self replicate.  If you ever wondered why animals and plants evolve because they have the desire to survive , flourish and reproduce you might think that there is something magical about that.....but it is not just apparent in living organisms.  the coding starts at the subatomic level or even below that level. the entire universe acts as if it has some kind of innate intelligence. We humans are amazed by animal instincts....we think that is the byproduct of  something rational or accidental....what we are seeing is intelligence of underlying code that goes to the atomic maybe that electricity has caused humans to discover it and  that electricity has caused humans to put electricity to highly advanced uses and not art or science that did it .