Monday, September 21, 2020

When Boltzmann Entropy Decay and Chaos Fails

 Entropy as defined in basic thermodynamics proceeding Boltzmann thinking on the phenomenon was about Heat exchange  from the hot to the cooled. It was about a system that provided working energy to a system that degraded.  Extrapolated to the entire universe everything comes to an end with no revival possible.    But wait.  The Hubble deep field photographs show an unlimited number of similar looking galaxies and the deep field is almost everywhere and it may have all happened as long ago as 14 billion earth years ago.  The Universe as we study it has recurring forms and these go from a few million light years away to 14 billion light years distance.  Why would the same  or similar structures reoccur so often at so many  different distances ?   How is it that we can catalog the same forms virtually everywhere ?  Then at the microscopic level of atoms we see the same thing.  Concentrations of lithium in certain dry lake beds and concentrations of  calcium carbonate because of life in oceans as limestone and marble and then we also find that ancient humans tended to concentrate all the metal found in bronze and iron and burry them in tombs.  Occasionally humans have concentrated gold hoards and left them buried in tombs. That tells me that entropy is not necessarily the universal result of any system losing energy content.  Yes the ability to continue collecting gold ends when the collector dies but that does not mean that some new entity is not again concentrating it nor does it mean that new dry lake beds full of lithium salts won't happen in the future though i am unsure what causes  a lithium dry lake bed to form.  

Crystals form in hot liquid brines and in melted rock.  What many don't realize is that the crystals can form and reform in different patterns as the melted rock or brine stays liquid and hot/ warm.  So you can have quartz crystals forming and then morphing into new quartz crystals until cooling starts to set them as finished.  Crystals that form are anything but the product of chaos and entropy....nor forms that are disorder  nor chaos.  A crystal forms in a state of relative chaos with thermodynamic input . Crystals may break down later and components of beach sand but even there they maintain the qualities of the original larger crystal structure.  Entropy is thus fine and well to see in some individual systems with thermodynamic input utilization but it can't be extrapolated to everything and everywhere.  Just the idea that a star blowing up and making star dust elements including most in the periodic table is anything but entropy.  Crystals forming in warm brine are the exact opposite of entropy with order becoming geometrically apparent. Add heat and water again and it all dissolves into what some would see as chaos and others see as potential order.  I have long disregarded the idea of Entropy as being universal to all systems and to the cosmos  just because of the existence of DNA. If all states of nature tended toward entropy there is no ability for DNA formation to have ever happened.   The major question I have is why and for what purpose or plan or accident does anything want to reproduce itself and with life why should it have any survival instinct.  Do crystals have survival instincts?  Harder crystals like diamonds and garnets can retain their geometric perfection becasue they are harder than surrounding  materials they grind up against....But I suppose that if you have very hard crystals and set them in the path with less hard materials like an asteroid moving at 900 meters per second or faster that they can put an end to them and their order.  The interesting thing about collisions is they are thermodynamic.  I read Calder's book as a child about the violent universe.  Nothing is safe out there but a collision in space I now believe is the usual reason for a super nova rather than some collapsing star.  Even if  it is a collapsing star and i am wrong ...we can catalog images of super novae and they have characteristics that put them in categories...not a bit of lack of order and chaos to be able to do entropy is fine when it comes to house keeping.  A home without housekeeping will completely collapse and become soil in less than 2 years.

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