Thursday, October 17, 2013

MUSINGS ABOUT SPACE.   By space we usually mean a hard vacuum devoid of all forms of mater as is often postulated to be the substance of "outer space" .  Space as such is a natural phenomenon guided or defined by rules or if you prefer laws of space.  Here are some of the laws of space:

1. Space is both infinite and finite because it can exist everywhere and in between all perceived objects and yet all objects occupy the same space which makes it finite.

2. Space has no inherent  dimensions, no substance nor definitions . When it is perceived it is perceived as distance between identified points. It may envelop only as an illusion of surrounding an object or contained within a structure .

3. Two objects occupy the same space at any distance from one another.

4. Space does not know the difference between one object or another of any mass or size.  It is not displaced the way water is when an object is placed in water.  Space cannot be used to measure specific gravity nor mass by displacement because it does not have any properties that would displace it.

5. A human  being, the Earth, The Sun and even the largest Galaxy in the cosmos occupy the exact same amount of space as any other object because there is only one unit of empty vacuum space in existence. 

6. From the stand point of a vacuum/ space  A human might as well be as large as the sun, a galaxy or a planet like Jupiter or Mars.  There is no scale of space unless perhaps one is introduced into it.

7.  Space is created by objects such as stars and galaxies.  In our solar system all objects are in orbit and thus in a state of falling or they are achieving escape velocity.  The space within the solar system is necessarily defined by objects falling/ orbiting the Sun not by much of anything else.

Not finished yet sorry.  There are some errors to fix.  What is important is that space as we perceive it is closely linked to objects that control it by having other objects in orbit providing metrics that otherwise don't exist.   Space is real not a fantasy and it has definite observed properties.   If a star like the sun was the size of a pin head and we were actually our normal full size then we would still be in big trouble if we were to touch it. More later. 

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