The idea that we have one big infinite universe happens to be a coincidence:
I am getting even closer to figuring out how The probability of the symmetrical (yes this is a semantic transformation for good reason) is a basic dimension of cosmic reality. I never thought I would get beyond the last intuition on the subject. The mistake I was making was in not defining probability as a multi variable "coincidence". Coincidence is a weird if not almost magical concept. probability of events is actually just their coincidence and we keep a record of probabilities as events as statistics. What it means is probability is always about coincidence. When you go back to quantum mechanics and introduce probability it might be the coincidence of expectations or simply that you can have more than one identical water molecule if not gazillions of them and we do. The fact or evidence or coincidence that we have so many identical molecules across the spectrum of possible combinations of atoms is the wholesale opposite of entropy. Because you can have duplication running out to almost the infinite in number of anything is amazing as a large scale coincidence. To think that there are water molecules billions of light years away that are exactly the same as the ones here that is not just coincidence it is super symmetry or imbedded symmetry and ubiquitous or seemingly so. That does not explain how probability of coincidence is a constitutional dimension of cosmic reality but it does lead to a mathematical way to prove it. There is yet one more major analogy and that has to do with basic symmetry observed in nature such that the northern hemisphere of a spherical planet or star seems to be the mirror image of the southern hemisphere and when we see a super nova we see symmetrical jets in opposite directions which would be very odd for anything entering a state of entropy. The new law of physics is that Any semblance of order retained in entropy means there is no entropy. It can be symmetrical , bilateral, identical particles or similarities of coincidence.
Any coincidence would be any entanglement of atoms or molecules by valence or just physical entanglement. Disproving the existence of entropy is easy. Showing why there is no entropy because probability of coincidence is an eternal dimension of many variables. Don't worry I am never going to propose a probability wave to replace notions of gravity waves and other such nonsense . It is clear that in some parts of the universe there is more convergence of coincidental probability than other parts. That's more like string theory. Maybe gravity is what makes coincidence possible by engaging things whether by attraction or least resistance theory
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