Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Electro-magnetic "EXO-SOULS" of objects and beings....And the Spectral Code underlying all of them.

Yes it will be possible to make a complete human electromagnetic map at some point to recreate duplicate humans in an instant with a sort of 3D printer in the not so distant future.. These mass spectrometers are just primitive compared to what can be expected to accomplish this. so now I am looking for companies making mass spectrometers for life sciences. coupled with super computers we can actually send people across space and time as they do in star trek except we have ...the original and the duplicate so the duplicates can be expendable. mapping a human electro magnetic binding energy is going to take trillions and trillions of data points that need to be accessed simultaneously. I suspect that the part of DNA science we don't yet understand is the exo-soul area of study where we understand how genes are expressed from the code to a form such complicated living cells. There are many chemical bonds between atoms and molecules that go from what seems a 2 dimensional DNA code model to full 3D organisms. right now biologists look at receptors and proteins that result but the god like attributes of what DNA accomplishes are really unexplained Genes found that sequence molecules but then it seems there are not enough DNA connections to connect all the various other gene produced molecules.--somewhere there is a magic leap. So we might just find that the electro-magnetic spectrum solves that problem.

The problem with this thesis is that we only observe radiation from the exterior either generated from within or reflected from elsewhere.  We don't have Electro Magnetic x-ray vision actually even with life form mass spectrometry .   That does not mean that we won't at some point.  With flora and fauna we might be able at some point to map out an em spectrum map generated from the complete DNA genome?  That will take enormous computer power that takes into consideration probability as the DNA might not always set every single possible trait as some are adaptive or from a random pool of possible outcomes.  

Looking at stars and magnetic stars and other cosmic phenomena we also can't generate a detailed inner map of what we might infer happens with dark photons.  At some point maybe exploding stars will be observed from the onset of explosions to see what their more complicated make up is within.  imaging the thermal radiation with the ability to discern what is where and how when the explosion happens is blinding but still one presumes the spectrum reaching earth or our observatory is going to be more complex and have some duration to pick apart and study.

Friday, February 19, 2016

My thermodynamic theory of gravity looks more and more correct/ it seems Newton will win over Einstein in the longer run....

up to 80 seconds of the most intense fireball flashes.... http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19990018164 I am excited by the whole coding theory of photons now because it totally supports my gravity link to thermodynamics. In stead of ending up with a mass spectrometer /spectrum of symbolic it now just goes solid state where photons have to exist as bonding and binding energy in atoms and their subatomic particles. What we get to observe is just the outcasts. Here is an ex...ample of collisions where the outcast photons are extremely prolific. Most of the energy in the collision however remained within the mass of Jupiter and was resolved into the planet in a variety of ways. The idea that photons communicate makes perfect sense because it explains how valence bonding might work where the photons stitch electrons from several atoms together and either are in both places at once or interchangeable. It means an entire body of mass like the earth or the sun has subatomic particles in communication almost at the speed of light with the rest of the particles in those huge orbs. I kind of got that sense with the Archimedes discovery of mass displacement because mass is pretty much displaced immediately everywhere.

It really does seem that all particles in an object with gravity holding them together as one of the main forces such as a comet made of debris held together mostly by gravity--that all particles are linked by binding energy that flows though the entire object though not necessarily will all bonds being strong or the strongest bonds possible....

now we hear about EM propulsion seemingly possible...but is quantum anything ?  or just a mater of conversion of photons from lower frequencies to higher more energetic frequencies putting angular momentum into systems of mater?  Explain how exactly a fuel flame shooting out of a rocket causes thrust in a vacuum of space?  The flame is expelled and the equal and opposite reaction is to send the rocket forward though as fuel is used up momentum should suffer somewhat.  Really what the flame is doing is changing the angular momentum of particles so already our rockets with fuel may be equivalents to the EM thesis or fantasy which ever it is as I can't tell from reading about the experiments whether it real or not yet.  I am more concerned with black body radiation which is essentially dark photons binding up entire planets in a sort of unison of being / energy.


Jupiter did not have the right kind of fuel to make these large fireball blasts planetary. With the earth and its high percentage of oxygen these fireballs would have spread much further leading to asphyxiation of animals not underground in caves or in water with dissolved oxygen, The origin of coal beds worldwide was from oxygen free burning of carbon based biomass and it all may have happened suddenly. I suspect that several large extinction periods would have occurred 1. with the comets now suspected and 2. with the oxygen levels burned away in a giant flash with relatively quick duration maybe just 80 seconds or less. forests might continue burning longer smoldering to charcoal with much less oxygen to fuel those fires or even be extinguished. there is reason to believe oxygen levels may have been higher with larger terrestrial reptiles running around to allow their faster metabolism?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I had no idea but now I get it. photons are broken communications between atoms and subatomic particles. The whole universe is held together by it's own internal 'radio station' . Those people at seti maybe looking in entirely the wrong place(s) That atomic structure has communications networks within it. strange but seemingly true. The whole universe may actually work as if there is a monitary system with photons as the medium of exchange.

I had no idea but now I get it. photons are broken communications between atoms and subatomic particles. The whole universe is held together by it's own internal 'radio station' . Those people at seti maybe looking in entirely the wrong place(s) That atomic structure has communications networks within it. strange but seemingly true. The whole universe may actually work as if there is a monitary system with photons as the medium of exchange.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Electromagnetic spectrum is coding, Photons at long distance can be light photons or dark photons , the dark being those that send code as bonding energy which are not intercepted at any great distance away from where coding is pratical.

yes the coding effects of electro magnetism is of practical consequence where undetected between atoms and subatomic particles.  The coding serves a definite purpose at close range as bonding and it is coded because bonds are communicated not just from one atomic / subatomic particle to another but from both to one an other.  So it is broken  bonds that produce what we "see" as photons in the em spectrum.  starts sounding a bit corny and it really is.  We should have suspected such after the discovery of how DNA works.  With DNA there are strong and weak bonds involved but rarely any photons discharged as the photons are involved but are involved as dark photons at short ranges.  Fire breaks bonds of molecules and from that we get visible light and other photons. Those photons in the right dense material would never surface to travel outside the mass they were in and would have a practical purpose possibly so they would never otherwise be emitted to become visible at some greater distance . 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ah, the concept of dark photons...close range between atoms and subatomic partlicles...as "bonding energy" well more like bonding communications with syntax....

Yes Dark Photons exist and their coding is bonding energy .  What is remarkable is we cannot actually prove that a photon is bonding energy even if we observe the bond coming apart and the photon hitting our retina that's because when it is bonding energy it really has no energy as it is just as much a code being sent as a photon is code to unlock energy already existent in substance elsewhere.  So I can't prove anything essentially until I show why coding can or cannot bond atoms.  I am looking at incandescent light and flames burning where bonds are breaking with gas flying away so bonding is un-bonding.  not sure I want any proof by inference or deduction because that coding thing is dark when it s bonding.  bonding has syntax and it literal is in code for atoms and subatomic particles?  maybe so .  we don't bond positive and negative sides of magnets without sharing the bonds and not all bonds are going to happen everywhere as each set needs an angular momentum coding to bond....with angular momentum what comes around goes around so the communication with code may be the bond. photons wasted in bonding can send the communications far away to be seen as visible light or other wavelengths by detectors.

still thinking this out but it does make sense.  we know angular momentum creates bonding energy and that photons are just code for levels of that angular momentum...so I probably figured it out already but....still have to relate it to other phenomena.  Not communicated code is not energy .  We have economic markets that bind people and their industries together with mediums of exchange like dollars.  dollars have no energy they are only representational code but they can bind up an huge industrial complex on multiple continents.  So it seems photons as code are more like a medium of exchange coding device....and that actually makes sense because not all subatomic particles or atoms will bind together under all circumstances.  Probability is that the can , will or won't.  It is funny how we humans interact and bind with language and that language has no actual energy or power.  we humans may have bind worthy sexual energy and drives and that may be the real binding energy but still not at a physical level our minds process the sexuality to bind with others and the mental process is the drive but not the physical energy.  Why should atoms be any different?  maybe atoms can actually think before they bind with each other in chemical reactions by following coded angular momentum signals?  Sounds totally crazy but then it sort of makes sense.

Since coding explains a lot I need to find out what happens where the code actually has some real effect and not just a transposition of some minute amount of angular momentum as much as 14 billion light years off in the total diffusion of mass and energy in the distant future thus.  The effect of photons at close range is where the issue would be and there we can not get between the photon and the substance that it interact with without being the detector and we know our eye does not bond to something because the photon interacts with the retina...how ever if the photon travels and stays in the dark as binding energy or just the code for that transposing the sympathy of the angular momentum without any flash of light visible to outsiders then  it solves a problem in understanding coding.