Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Electro-magnetic "EXO-SOULS" of objects and beings....And the Spectral Code underlying all of them.

Yes it will be possible to make a complete human electromagnetic map at some point to recreate duplicate humans in an instant with a sort of 3D printer in the not so distant future.. These mass spectrometers are just primitive compared to what can be expected to accomplish this. so now I am looking for companies making mass spectrometers for life sciences. coupled with super computers we can actually send people across space and time as they do in star trek except we have ...the original and the duplicate so the duplicates can be expendable. mapping a human electro magnetic binding energy is going to take trillions and trillions of data points that need to be accessed simultaneously. I suspect that the part of DNA science we don't yet understand is the exo-soul area of study where we understand how genes are expressed from the code to a form such complicated living cells. There are many chemical bonds between atoms and molecules that go from what seems a 2 dimensional DNA code model to full 3D organisms. right now biologists look at receptors and proteins that result but the god like attributes of what DNA accomplishes are really unexplained Genes found that sequence molecules but then it seems there are not enough DNA connections to connect all the various other gene produced molecules.--somewhere there is a magic leap. So we might just find that the electro-magnetic spectrum solves that problem.

The problem with this thesis is that we only observe radiation from the exterior either generated from within or reflected from elsewhere.  We don't have Electro Magnetic x-ray vision actually even with life form mass spectrometry .   That does not mean that we won't at some point.  With flora and fauna we might be able at some point to map out an em spectrum map generated from the complete DNA genome?  That will take enormous computer power that takes into consideration probability as the DNA might not always set every single possible trait as some are adaptive or from a random pool of possible outcomes.  

Looking at stars and magnetic stars and other cosmic phenomena we also can't generate a detailed inner map of what we might infer happens with dark photons.  At some point maybe exploding stars will be observed from the onset of explosions to see what their more complicated make up is within.  imaging the thermal radiation with the ability to discern what is where and how when the explosion happens is blinding but still one presumes the spectrum reaching earth or our observatory is going to be more complex and have some duration to pick apart and study.

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