Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ok I am standing at the edge of a black hole and the only thing being sucked in is my imagination.

I am going to flip a coin here.  There.


I know this sounds totally crazy...and it has to.  We humans have fooled are selves that only we have something called consciousness?  well yes we tend to believe that.  With the discovery that photons merely transmit code, have no properties of wavelength, no mass and no properties of either energy being transmitted nor any frequency except in sympathetic harmony with some particular form of mater and all they are is code that influences available energy of mass by modulating angular momentum then consciousness is probably everywhere in the universe.  Ever notice how when a text book seeks to reveal how field lines in the universe get warped to allow for Einstein's theory of gravity  to go from a grid to  a dish? That is only when photons have mass which I am sure they do not.  The field lines actually say that the universe has some metric laid out though out it of regularity.  That's like believing in syncopated Jazz music.  I can't say I believe in music.  Often I wish Music has far fewer motives and much less of the confining order that it does.  When I compose music that way it starts to be hard to do .  Music with no metrics is cacophony.  Those Cartesian grid lines in the physical universe of the geniuses of physics is not how a coded universe would work.  When we observe electromagnetic pillowing with x-ray photos of the Sun we might as well be looking at some form of consciousness?  I see it immediately just because I actually see forms that exist there in nature unlike those Einstein warping field lines in space.  I have no uniform theory that explains or proves it though I can see why the ancients might worship the sun.  If code is the what the radiation we receive from the sun is and it causes photosynthesis well then the code sent from the sun is doing something fairly god like.  could it be conscious?  just because photosynthesis does not seem to be working on mars at the moment does not mean it is not coded where the code works because code relating to the entire periodic table is variable.  I am thinking out loud here.  I might even say the earth is conscious not mother earth and not the idiotic ideal as understood by the sierra club but clearly the earth is being shaped with the help of solar "energy" I mean code.  The planets in the solar system are bathed in code going far out from the center.  Code may even be related to gravity as apparent on each body in the solar system.  my gravity is hot thesis was not originally a code theory but a thermodynamic theory. that is now code of course though don't ask me yet how to correctly redefine it .  I am not dropping analogies of frequency and wavelength either but just putting that on the face of the detectors that work to identify various types of light in the spectrum.  I do immediately drop the use of mass too describe photons because it is lethal to my findings on gravity and coding.

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